Python Assignments

Today we started learning how to code Python using the website. The lessons are self-paced. You are free to work through them at your own pace. However, be sure to work steady as there are nine lessons to cover and each lesson consists of a number of exercises.

The second part of each lesson is a project. For example, the first lesson is “Python Syntax” and the project is the “Tip Calculator”. After you complete each project in each lesson you will also create your own program to do something similar but different.

For example, after completing the “tip calculator” project you could write a program to find 10% off any price (such as a coupon for a store or restaurant). Your example Python script might look like this…

# Calculate percent off a price
item_price = 44.99
item_price = item_price * .90
print "After your 10% discount, the new price is",("%.2f" % item_price)

You can write these in the Codecademy Labs editor or in Sublime or in text edit, etc. We will learn how to run these programs in an upcoming lesson. Each mini project like this is a graded assignment.

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